ニュース – 北海道日米協会

9/19(Th.) 65th Anniversary !65周年記念祝賀・例会!

                News in Japanese & in English


 September 19(Thu.Evening) was a very memorable day for the AJSH–A Happy 65th Anniversary Celebration DAY!  Govenor Suzuki, Mayor Akimoto –who gave kind congratulatory remakrs–together with  other disguished guests and the AJSH’s members(115 attndees) attended the ceremony.        



第二部のイブニング・レセプションは、新たに就任されたアンドリュー・リー総領事の乾杯でスタートし、日米友好親善・文化交流プログラムに協力しているThe Saapporo TOMODACHI Jazz Trio(小笠原はるの・矢木章・御手洗昭治会員)が「秋のジャズ演奏会の夕べ」で数曲のリクエスト曲を披露。最後に参加者で1960年代初期に世界的ヒットとなった坂本 九さんの「スキヤキ」(上を向いて歩こう)を合唱し会場が盛り上がった。

One big surprise was 100 bottles of Oregon’s famous local Rogue Beer had arrived as  presents all the way from Japan-America Society of Oregon! Mr. Phred Kaufman, our member, also donated us extra 20 bottles of Oregon made beer. We apprecite their generosity and Graham Morris,Executive Directo of JASO!  

The audience was moved by Mr. Joseph Young’s heart-felt video messages. Mr. Young, CDA made the video message on behalf of American Ambassdor.

Congratulatory kind messages were arrived not only from Mr. Ichiro Fujisaki, President of NAAJS, and Dean lterman,Chair of JASO, but also from Kiyoko Morita Caine, Chair of Massacusetts-Hokkaido Association.   

   Riggt after the ceremonial event, Evening Reception got underway with a few kind  words and “Kanpai” proposal by Mr.Andrew Lee, newly appointed U.S. Consul General.   The Dinner part  was highlighed by “Jazz Music Concert in Fall.”   The Sapporo TOMODACHI Jazz Trio (Piano:Haruno Ogasawara, Base: Akira Ygi,& Drums: Shoji Mitari)— involved in U.S.-Japan goodwill cultural activities— played Jazz music requested by AJSH’s members.  

   At the end, the audience sang together  Kyu Sakamoto’s world famous “Sukiyaki” song in Jazz sytle.(His record turned out to be  No.1 hit song in Bill Board music magazine in 1961 in the U.S., and 130 million of  Sukiyaki record has been sold in the entiire world since then.  


“Fascinating Sister City Portland, Oregon!”

News in Japanese & in English

7/25(木)札幌パークホテルで開催されたイブニング・ディナ―・講演会には、国際短編映画祭、札幌・ポートランド姉妹都市提携50周年記念交流を機に、映画・芸術関連の事業を担当されている久保 俊哉(マ―ヴァリック・クリエィティブ・ワークス代表取締役プロデューサーをお招きして、オレゴン州の「姉妹都市ポートランドの隠れた魅力!」を映像を通して紹介して頂いた。環境No.1のバラの都ポートランドのイノベーティブな技術関係者、小学校をホテルに代え、観光スポットになったケネディ小学校などの紹介もあり、参加者も見入っていた姿が、印象的であった。

ところで、今年は札幌・ポートランド姉妹都市提携60周年記念の節目の年であり、札幌から市長はじめ経済訪問団、市民訪問団も6月5日にポートランド市で開催された式典参加した。本協会からも加森副会長夫妻、札幌商工会議所の会頭で本協会の岩田理事、御手洗専務、それに商工会議所の廣田専務も参加し、6月6日には、ポートランドの商工会議所グループのポートランド・ビジネス・アライアンスの事務所において、本協会とオレゴン米日協会のデーン・アルタマン会長と加森 公人 副会長との間で提携の調印式が行われた。

On July 25, Mr. Toshiya Kubo–a wellknown short movie producer of Maverick Creative Wrks Ltd. was a guest speaker for the Evening Dinner. As Mr. Kubo has been involved in film making regarding Sapporo-Portland Sister City programs for the past 50 years, he intdoduced not only beauty spots of Portland but also bestkept secret tourism spots and places in and around Portland. Kennedy Elementary school is one example– a school building turned itself into  one of the finest and  fascinating hotels by inovative  Oregonians. The audience loved the new hotel at first glance.

Incidentally, as this year marks the celebration of the 60th annivesary of the forming of Portland-Sapporo Sister City Relationship, Mayor of Sapporo, business leaders’ group, and citizen’s group visted Portland, Oregon to attend ceremonial events held on June 5.

On June  6,  Japanese-American Sociaty of Oregon(JASO) and our society(AJSH) concluded Memorandum of Cooperation and Unterstanding signed by our Vice President, Kimito Kamori of AJSH and Chair, Mr. Dean Alterman.

From our side, Keigo Iwata- Chaman of Sapporo Chamber of Commerce and AJSH’s,Board member, Ryu Shibata, AJSH’s Board member,  Shoji Mitarai,Executive Director, Mrs. Kazuko Kamori, Kyoichi Hirota ,Executive Director of Chamber of Commerce also attended the signing ceremony.


5/23(Thu.)/’19 総会HIS学生バンド演奏披露 General Assembly & HIS Band Contributes

News in Japanese & in English

5月23日(木)の総会では、先ず杉野 豊先生が率いる 北海道インターナショナルスクールのビッグ・バンドスタイルの学生バンドによる演奏会で幕開けとなった。オープニングは、1952年のジーン・ケリー主演映画主題歌の「雨に唄えば」とサウンド・オブ・サイレンスの映画の中でも披露さえた「マイ・フェイボリット・シング」、それにアンコール曲に観客たちは魅了された。総会前に理事会が開催された。今回の議長は、急な所用ができた伊藤会長に代わり、加森副会長が務め、総会も無事終了した。


On May 23, 2019(Thu.)  the 2019 General Assembly was held on the 3rd floor Ginsen at Sapporo Grand Hotel.

Before the General Assembly HIS’s big band style Jazz band led by Mr. Yuaka Sugita put on a very good show.  They played such famous movie music–“Sing in the Rain” sung by Gene Kelley in 1952, “My Favorite Thing out of the movie Sound of Music  and an encore number.  The audience was very much enchanted by their marvelous performance.   As Mr. Yoshiro Ito, President of the AJSH was out of town, the General Assembly was opened with Vice President, Mr.Kimito Kamori in the chair.

Rachel Brunette-Chen–who will be leaving for Wssington,D.C. with her family–gave us a heat-warming farewell speech. It was our grea pleasue to have her here in Sapporo. It is nice to recall her conributions with her family joinng us for skiing and other events. We were very much struck with her delicaed efforts to make International Youth Forum(IYF) more meaningful and enjoyable, and prductive for the next generation of Japanese young turks. They do appreciae her participation in the IYF and encouraging messages to them. We miss her and her family very much! We wish them the bestof luck in a new place in the nations’s capital!

3/28(Thu.)カール・ホジソン陸軍大尉/海外地域担当指揮官を迎えてCaptain Carl Hodgson’s Talk


Our guest speaker Captain Carl Emery Hodgson is a native of Saint Louis, Missouri. After graduating from the University of Missouri in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, he attended Officer Candidate School and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry in November 2008. Currently, he works as a Foreign Area Officer (48H-Northeast Asia) at U.S. Consulate General in Sapporo. As he also attended Sophia University, he がgave a talk in Japanese with visual materials.

Carl Hodgson ’s talk centered around his home State Saint Louis, Missouri–home of the famous jazz music St. Louis  blues, the professional baseball team the Cardinals, Bud Wiser Beer, Arch and other places of interest.    He is a great athlete in Karate and judo. We also happily found that he was  a tough rugby player.

What interested the audience was his :1) initial encounter with Japan and the Japanese language(He learned it while he was studying at Sophia University and took the Japanese Language Basic Course in Yokohama.).  One photo was taken  at the Imperial House; and 2)  military experiences and careers in Texas where he served as a Platoon Leader and Executive Officer until October 2012, including an OEF deployment to Afghanistan in 2011-2012.  He served as the battalion plans officer until September 2014 in Hawaii. He has obtained many military awards –which include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Ranger Tab, and Basic Parachutist Wings.

His military education includes the Infantry Officer Basic Course, Airborne School, Ranger School, Maneuver Captain’s Career Course, Mechanized Leaders Course, Reconnaissance and Surveillance Leaders Course, Mountain Leader Course and Mountain Leader Course and the Japanese Language Basic Course.

We wish him well and the best of luck in the future!

2/7(Thu.)ビッグ・サプライズ!ウイリアム・ハガティ駐日米国大使が新年祝賀会に参加!A Big Surprise! Ambassador William Hargerty was a special guest speaker with Tennessee Waltz

2月7日(木)の新年祝賀会はビッグ・サプライズの連続であった。アメリカからの特別ゲスト・スピーカーとは、何とウイリアム F.ハガティ駐日米国大使であった。奥様と四人のお子様は70回目の札幌雪まつりを満喫中、ハガティ大使は、105名の会員の待つ、札幌グランドホテルのGinsenの会場に正午に到着。到着後、自ら伊藤会長と共に会場に入る一人一人の会員に、こやかに握手しながらテネシー・スタイルで会員を歓迎して下さった。(本来は、本協会会員が大使を歓迎するはずなのであるが。。。)


ザ・ダンディ・フォーの「テネシーワルツ」と「好きです札幌」に魅了された大使は、その後ステージ上でも伊藤会長と会員全員らと共に小笠原はるの会員のピアノに合わせ「テネシーワルツ」を合唱され、思わぬハッピーなビッグ・サプライズとなった。(ちなみに、次第には、大使はステージ上では、お歌いにならないことが明記されていた。) *以下の画像写真を「クリック」すれば、鮮明なオリジナル・サイズの画像に拡大され御覧できます。)

What a big surprise!  On February 7,  the special  guest speaker was Ambassador William F. Hagerty who rushed to the Rm. Ginsen and joined the AJSH’s New years’ celebration party—while his wife and four children  were enjoying  themselves  at the site of  the 70th Sapporo Snow Festival.

Ambassador Hagerty’s speech centered around the importance of U.S,-Japan relations . He also touched upon his life experiences staying Tokyo as a member of the Boston Consulting firm—helping some of the Japanese firms invest in the State of Tennessee. His favorite food is curry and rice. By the same token, his favorite place in Japan is Hokkaido.

Additionally, he  highly spoke of the AJSH’s new venue for the next generations “International Youth Forum,Sapporo”

The Dandy Four(a famous Hokkaido’s male vocal (chorus)  group entertained Ambassador singing “Tennessee Waltz,” Sukidesu Sapporo(I love Sapporo.”  Another big surprise came when the Ambassador came up to the stage along with our Chair Yoshiro Ito and several members of the AJSH and started singing ” Tennessee Waltz” to the piano accompaniment by Haruno Ogaswara. According to the proceedings, he was not supposed to sing a song on the stage. It was indeed another Big  Happy   Surprise to the each member of the audience! (To see each photo below clearly& in original size, just “Click!”)
