Updated on 2018.06.07
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5月24日(木)は総会日であり、総会の初めに杉野きりん先生率いる 北海道インターナショナルスクールの44名からなるミュージック・グループによる素晴らしく、目を見張るショーとエンターテイメントに参加者全員が感動。なお総会前には本年度の理事会が開催され、会長には伊藤義郎会長、副会長には加森公人、小池善明、藤田道子、それに専務理事いは御手洗昭治理事らが再任された。また、運営理事には、布施正樹、安斎勲、石井純二、杉山喜一郎、眞木陽子、高橋希典、御手洗昭治が選任された。
On May 24, 2018(Thu.) the 2018 General Assembly was held on the 3rd floor Ginsen at Sapporo Grand Hotel. Prior to the General Assembly, the AJSH’s Board meeting was held and Mr. Yoshiro Io was reelected as Chair(President) of the AJSH. Vice Presidents–Kimihito Kamori, Yoshiaki Koike, and Michiko Fujita were also re-elected, and Shoji Mitarai was named the Executive Director again. Masaki Fuse, Isamu Anzai, Jyunji Ishii , Kiichiro Sugiyama, Yoko Maki, Maresuke Takahashi, and Shoji Mitarai were chosen as Managing Directors.
At the beginning of the General Assembly, music groups HIS students made up of 44–led by Kirin Sugina put on a very energetic, lively and splendid show and performance. The audience was lured by their dynamic music and entertainment.