お知らせ – お知らせのカテゴリ – 北海道日米協会

5/30/’24総会&ロバート・ホワイティング講演GA& Robert Whiting As a Guest Speaker





5月30日の総会では、故伊藤会長の後を引き継いだ岩田圭剛新会長の就任挨拶があり、その後、故伊藤義郎元会長の長女の伊藤美香子氏(伊藤組社長・国際 ビル社長・伊藤組山林管理育成株式会社社長)が、父親である伊藤義郎元会長の日米の友好親善交流と日米協会に対する執心と想い出について語って下さった。 At the General Assembly, Mr. Keigo Iwata,  new President of the AJSHokkaido, a successor of the former President of  Yoshiro Ito made an inaugural address. Later, the eldest daughter of the late Yoshiro Ito, Ms. Mikako Ito—who is President of: ①iItogumi Co. Ltd.; ②Sapporo Kokusai Bld. Co. Ltd, and Itogumi Forest Management; and ③ Nurtuing Co.Ltd.— made a few remarks about her father’s lifetime promotion of a lasting US.-Japan partnership and his fond memories regarding  the AJSHokkaido.

その後、日米の野球文化論の世界的に第一人者として知られるロバート・ホワイティング氏が、5月30日の総会後のイブニング・ディナーでパワーポイントを使用しての 講演を行った。この日は、講演に先だち、ホワイティング夫妻は千歳空港到着後、日本ハム球団のエスコン・フィールドに立ち寄り、VIPツアーを楽しみ満喫された。この特別ツァーは、本協会の会員で、ファイターズ・ファンでもあるジェリー・ハルボーセンさんの協力を得て実現した。


On Thursday, May 30, The America-Japan Society of Hokkaido’s General Assembly meeting featured as guest speaker the internationally renowned veteran American journalist and author Robert Whiting. One of the world’s leading experts on the history of U.S.-Japan baseball for more than four decades, Mr. Whiting has written numerous books, in Japanese and English, and countless articles on the subject. He happens to be a good friend of former Fighter’s manager Trey Hilman.

Thanks to the efforts of AJSH member and die-hard Nippon Fighters fan Jerry Halverson, Robert and his wife Machiko, a former United Nations diplomat, were given a VIP tour at Esco Field—which they enjoyed enormously. That was followed by his AJSH presentation to a packed house at the Grand Hotel.


While Robert has written such best-selling books as “The Chrysanthemum and Bat,” “The Meaning of Ichiro,” and, in Japanese, “Why Shohei Ohtani excites MLB and fans?,” his presentation was focused on: 1) a brief history of U.S.-Japan baseball games and exchanges from 1872 up to the present; and 2) two-way player Shohei Ohtani’s outstanding and record breaking performances and awards in recent years.

In Mr. Whiting’s view, Ohtani surpasses or goes beyond such great players as Hideo Nomo, Hideki Matsui, and Ichiro Suzuki. These players elevated the status of the Japanese game. But in the U.S., many felt there was always a qualifier, that they all lacked something.

“That all changed, however, when Ohtani, a player who could hit the ball 500 feet and throw it 100 PMH, came along. Ohtani is kind of like an American version of a Japanese player. His likable and sunny personality attracts people—open and friendly. Some analysts were calling Ohtani the greatest player in MLB history of the game in the United States,” Mr. Whiting said.

In Mr. Whiting’s opinion, Shohei is already a superstar in both countries and a cornerstone of Japan-America friendship. He is the best goodwill ambassador of all time. It is our hope that Ohtani and the Los Angeles Dodgers will, as reported by some U.S. media, agree to play an exhibition game or two at Esco Field next year before the Major League Baseball opener in Tokyo. But regardless, we wish him well!






伊藤義郎氏を偲ぶ「蒼空のつどい」Under the Azure Sky in loving memory of Yoshiro Ito 3/04/’24



A memorial gathering in honor of Mr. Yoshiro Ito

Sharing stories, memories, love and smiles, hundreds of people from Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, and around the world gathered at the Sapporo Grand Hotel on March 4th memorial service to honor Mr. Yoshiro Ito, who passed away at the age of 96 on December 5th, 2023.



Mr. Keigo Iwata, the chair of Hokkaido Chamber of Commerce, the acting president of our society and close friend of Mr. Ito gave a moving tribute, saying: “Mr. Ito represented the history of Hokkaido. A Great Hokkaido contributes to itself and to the growth of Japan as well. He was our polar star, exhorting us to move forward together for the development and the benefit of Great Hokkaido.”


U.S. Admiral William Fallon gave a memorial address, stressing that “Ito-san understood the importance of a close and enduring relationship between Japan and the United States for future of our citizens, and for peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region. No man did more to foster friendship and strengthen the Alliance between Japan and the United States. Ito-san was an exceptional and esteemed friend of U.S. Navy, working publicly and behind the scenes to smooth our way.”


Mr. Ito’s grandson, Koichi Ito, translated a funeral address by American Ambassador Rahm Emanuel and read it on his behalf. Consul General, Mr. Wuebbels, we are very grateful for your generosity in assisting with this.


Mr. Ito’s eldest daughter Mikako made the closing remarks, telling us “My father was strict with us, but at the same time he always cared about us. When you see a jet plane flying over the sky, please recall him. In the future, I firmly believe that my father’s two grandchildren will play a major role for the development of Ito-gumi, following in my father’s footsteps.”

Koichi(14 years old) recalled: “My grandfather, even at the age of 90, told me that he’d like to go to college again. He taught us how important it is to keep learning new things, regardless of age.”


Another grandchild of Mr. Ito’s, Miko (9 years old), gave us a humorous recollection, saying “My grandfather is good at speaking. But, when it comes to writing a letter, it took him a day to write two lines!”





On March 14(Thu.) at keio Plaza Hotel, Sapporo, Masatoshi Miyata—President of  the America-Japan Society of Kushiro, Chairm旅行an of Hokkaido Gigabit Uni on Association, and our member gave a stimulating  presentation based on his recent business trip to the United States.


Mr. Miyata’s power point presentation title was “My Recent CES2024 Silicon Valley Saga Business Trip Report. He talked about very latest business dynamism seen in the United States—starting from new companies, including HIMD  in Silicon Valley. He also reported on his new discoveries attending CES Convention held in Las Vegas. Aside from business talk, Mr. Miyata showed us photos taken in Hawaii(which is Hokkaido’s Friendship States) with Dojinkai group of people.

1/18(Thu)’24新年祝賀New Year Concert

2024年1 月18日(木)に札幌グランドホテルにおいて有名なソプラノ歌手の川島沙耶(さや)さんとピアニストの山田しのぶさんお招きしてのニューイヤーズ演奏会を開催。例会の冒頭に昨年12月 6日に旅立たれた伊藤義郎会長に対して哀悼の意を捧げつ共に、御冥福をお祈りし申し上げました。また、伊藤会長の数えきれない宮様スキーなどスポーツ、文化、放送分野における社会活動、さらに日米友好親善を促進すすため本協会の事業、活動にも御尽力頂いた事を想起ちながら、参加者一同で黙祷を捧げました。

On January 18(Thu.)the AJSH’s New Year Concert was held at Sapporo Grand Hotel inviting a famous soprano singer Saya Kawashima and a pianist Shinobu Yamada. But at the outset, we made a prayer for Mr. Yoshiro Ito who passed away on December 6 last year—paying a special tribute to him and a number of contributions made by him in the spheres of business, sports, culture, broadcasting enterprise and diplomacy(especially promotions of  friendly relationships and good will between Japan and the United States).   May he take a rest in peace!

午餐会は、本協会の布施正樹・運営理事の乾杯の発声で始まり、また、二代目佐藤貢会長が創設された雪印メグミルク株式会社の太田喜朗・北海道本部長からも、雪印社長で本協会の佐藤 貢・会長の想い出を含む祝辞を賜りました。さらに、スポーツ部会の藤山和夫北海道物産の社長と吉田一彦会員から今年のスキー部会の活動と今後スケジューツの報告がありました。

The New Year luncheon  got underway  with  “Kanpai”(Toast) by Mr. Masaki Fuse, a Board member.  Mr. Yoshirou Ohta of MEGUMILK Snow Brand Co. Ltd offered  New Year Greetings, including memories of the second AJSH’s President of MitugiSato(President of the Snow Brand company) and Best Wishes for 2024.  Mr. Kazuo Fujiyama and Mr. Kazuo Yoshida of  the AJSH’s Athletic-Sport committee members made an announcement of  ski events to be held at Teine Olympia ski resort.


The highlight of the event was a fantastically demonstrated concert—-welcoming Saya Kawashima as a singer and Shinobu Yamada as a pianist.  Such hit songs as “May Fair Lady” from Musical,  “Carmen” from Opera, a couple of Chanson music “If you love me(Hymel L’mour), “Champs Elysees” and an encore “Mauvais  Garcon”  were received

with hearty rounds of applause by the entire audience.







11/19/’23(Sun)ボー・ミラー米国領事(U.S.Consul Beau Miller )講演 IYFとEvening Dinner


On Sunday, November 19, U.S. Consul Mr. Beau Miller was our guest speaker for a double header of events: the 7th International Youth Forum (IYF) Sapporo in the afternoon, and then the AJSH Members Dinner Reception in the evening.

「第7回国際ユースフォーラム」ではミラー領事のプリゼンテーション後に、領事のテーマに基づくグループ・ディスカッションに60名の高校生、北海道インターナショナルスクール、アメリカン・フィールド・サービス(AFS)、それに苫小牧高専の学生達が参加。 お国柄も多様で、アメリカ以外のスペイン、コスタリカ、フランス、イタリア、 スリランカ、タイ、ノルウエー、スイス、香港、トルコからの学生達が、日本の学生達、それにミラー領事らと意見交換を行い、有意義な時を過ごしました。テーマは、日本の世界における役割のみならず、、日米関係、気候変動問題、それに異文化理解と交流など多岐にわたるものでした。


At the IYF, 60 high school students, including from Hokkaido International School (HIS) and College of Tomakomai National Institute of Technology (Tomakomai Kosen) enjoyed a keynote speech by Mr. Miller about his educational and career background, and how cross-cultural communication experiences from growing up in Japan and attending schools on Yokota Air Base help in his current role as a diplomat assigned to the U.S. Consulate General in Sapporo.  International students not only from the United States, but also from Spain, CostaRica, France, Italy, SriLanka, Thailand, Norway,   Hong Kong, and Turkey enegetically took part in the exciting forum. 

Based on his speech, the students took part in group discussions. Mr. Miller also joined the one discussion group, sharing his views and opinions with young participants. The participants were very excited to meet and talk with him not only on cross-cultural issues and the importance of cross-cultural understanding, but also on U.S.-Japan relations in connection with global issues (“problems without passports”) such as climate change.

In the evening Mr. Miller was a guest speaker and reported on his impressions of IYF. He spoke highly of the young participants who dedicated their time on a Sunday to join the IYF, and eagerly engaged with one another to brainstorm ways to tackle important issues affecting Japan and the world. He also spoke about his U.S. State Department assignments in Vietnam, India, Korea – and now coming “full circle” back to Japan, including returning to Yokota Air Base to welcome the Vice President to Japan last year. His presentation was warmly received by the audience.

