ニュース – 北海道日米協会

1/20/’22(Thu.)新年祝賀ニューイヤー・コンサート New Year Concert 2022


本年度の新春祝賀ニューイヤー・コンサートが1 月20日(木)札幌グランドホテルのGinsenで開催されました。

今回はN.Y.カーネギーホールで日本の伝統・モダンをおり交ぜた舞踊を披露される「舞流」(Mairu)と以前、同じくN.Y.カーネギーホールでブルーコメッツのメンバーの三原 綱木さんのピアノセクションを担当された佐々木浩平さんと歌手の中里さんコンビによる「懐かしのアメリカン・ポップス」を披露下さり、参加者達からも「青春時代に戻った感じで、大変懐かしかった」とのコメントを頂いた。なお、会員の三浦雄一郎とスポーツ部会(河関部会長)のスキーメンバーとミラー領事夫妻とお子さん達も写った写真も掲載します。

On January 20,the annual New Year Concert was held at Sapporo Grand Hotel. The special guests from Tokyo put on fabulous performances.   A performance group  “Mairu”—who is scheduled to  perform at Carnegie Hall in New York — demonstrated an enchanting unique Japanese dance–a mixture of traditional and modern dance. Mr. Kohei  Sasaki, a pianist who played the piano at Carnegie Hall N.Y. with Mr. Tsunaki Miura( a band member of the Blue Comets) and a singer Nakasato-san—played and sung “American Popular music(Oldies) . their performance and music entertainment was well received. A photo of  our member, Mr. Yuichiro Miura—with a group of the AJSH members and new Consul, the Millar family taken at Mt. Teine ski resort—is also included.


11/07(日)イブニング・ディナー講演 HISティム・スロッサ―校長Tim Schlosser




On November 7(Sun) ,2021 at Keio Plaza Hotel  Sapporo, HIS’s new Head Master Tim schlosser  made a wonderful presentation–which was well received by the audience (80 people attended).  He made a sale’s promotional pitch on HIS which offers a wide variety of educational programs based on three pillars(Art &Culture, Music, and outdoor activities).  If HIS does not exist, the professional baseball team, the Hokkaido Fighters was unable to clinch the Pennant in 2006 led by Manager, Tray Hillman. Because his negotiation bottom line was if Sapporo doesn’t have an international school where his two children can attend, he  wouldn’t accept the offer from the Fighters.

On HIS’s Niseko campus will open its junior high school starting next year–a happy addition for Hokkaido. HIS will continue to make strides for the internationalization of Hokkaido!







7/15/’21 Evening Dinner ゲスト「日経本社の吉野直也・政治部長」講演



Our guest speaker for July 17 Evening Dinner(at Sapporo Park Hotel) was Mr. Naoya Yoshino–editor, Political News Group& Policy News Unit at NIKKEI–who used to be a foreign correspondent of NIKKEI in  Washington ,DC.  He authored a few books on U.S.-Japan Relations and President Obama’s work for “The Word  Without Nuclear.”

As he has observed U.S.-Japan Relations from both the White House and Prime Minister’ Residence (Shusho Kantei), the audience learned a great deal of political realities, including  unknown secret episodes.

We had a pleasure of having new U.S. Consul, Beau Miller(the same last name of the world famous  Musician Glen Miller)—a happy addition.   After his short  self introduction,  Rayan Ingrassia  gave a wonderful farewell speech, and also made a toast “Kanpai” for the opening of  dinner. While we’ll miss him, we wish him well and the best of luck!



3/25/’21午餐会Luncheonパネル・デイスカッションPanel Discussion


2021年3 月25日(木)3月例会/午餐会は京王プラザ「エミナンスホール」で開催され3名の著名なメディア界のジャーナリストをお迎えし 「パネル・ディスカッション」を開催。

パネリストには、稲葉光秋 読売新聞北海道支社長、西村卓也 北海道新聞論説主幹/元ワシントン支局長、松井正憲現テレビ北海道社長/元日本経済新聞ワシントン支局長の3名をお招きし、『バイデン政権の日米関係と世界の政治と経済の動き』について討論して頂いた。

また、会場フロアーから、アンドリュー・リー在札幌米国総領事、日本経済新聞札幌支局の下原口 徹支社長、読売新聞北海道支局次長で元バンコック特派員を務めた長谷川聖治氏らからも貴重な コメントを頂く機会もあり、実りのある午餐会となった。参加者らからは、「普段では、めったに聞けない方々のお話が聞け、大変勉強になった。」、「著名なベテラン・ジャーナリスと達から、直接今後の日本とアメリカ、それに世界情勢に関する意見を聞くことができ、貴重な経験を得る事が出来ました。」などの感想を賜った。

On March 25(Thu.) at Eminence Hall in Sapporo keio Plaza Hotel, a stimulating panel discussion entitled “U.S.-Japan Relations under the Biden administration and International Politics and Economy” was held welcoming renowned authorities in the media and journalist sphere. Mr. Mitsuaki Inaba, President of the Yomiuri Newspaper, Hokkaido, Mr. Takuya Nishimura, Chief Editorial Writer of the Hokkaido Newspaper and its  former Bureau Chief in Washington, D.C., and Mr. Masanori Matsui, a former   NIKKEI’s  Bureau Chief in Washington, D.C.& currently President of Tvh broadcasting company .

From the floor, Sapporo’s U.S. Consul General Mr. Andrew Lee along with  Tohru Shimoharaguchi, President of NIKKEI, Sapporo, and Deputy Director, a former  foreign correspondence in Bangkok, Thailand also gave the audience invaluable and informative comments and opinions.   The followings are  feedbacks have been heard:” It’s was a rare opportunity for me to hear directly from well-known media personnel and specialists.  I learned a great deal out of the panel discussion.” “We were very fortunate in hearing directly from the prominent professional journalists on U.S.-Japan relations and world politics and economy in the foreseeable future.  As a hole, the event was successfully conducted.

10/08(Thu.)Evening Dinner 岩田圭剛 新会長代行とゲスト New Acting Pres. Keigo Iwata & a guest speaker

10月 8日

10 月8日木)に7カ月ぶりにイブニング・ディナーが札幌パークホテルの大部屋の「エメラルド」で開催された。コロナ危機のため、これまでの例会・イベントは中止されていたが、90名近い参加者が旧友を深めた。この日に新たに就任された岩田 圭剛会長代理が紹介され、新役員を代表して挨拶され、これからの会の活性化に向けての抱負を述べられた。

また、北海道インターナショナルスクール(HIS)の新校長、ティモシー・シュロッサ―さん(35歳)も紹介され、就任の挨拶をされた。  読売新聞北海道の稲葉 光秋・新支社長の乾杯の御発声後に、入澤拓也エコモット(株)社長による講演「米西海岸の先端IT企業視察報告」があり、シアトル時代のイチロー選手との想い出、マイクロソフト社、札幌の姉妹都市ポートランド・オレゴンのNIKE本社、岩田会長代行と御手洗 昭治副会長・専務理事とのポートランド訪問の際の出会いなども紹介された。

   On Oct.8(Thu.),2020—for the first time in 7 months, Evening Dinner was held at Emerald Hall(a bigger room–keeping Social Distance) at Sapporo Grand Hotel. A series of  events had been postponed due primarily to the Covid-19.    

        Mr. Keigo Iwata— Newly appointed  Acting President made remarks representing new Board members, slong with a new auditor.  Mr. Timothy Schlosser(35 yr.old), New Headmaster of Hokkaido International School(HIS)  was introduced and extended  greetings. Mr. Mitsuaki Inaba, newly arrived President of Yomiuri Newspaper, Hokkaido proposed a toast. Then Mr. Takuya Irisawa made a presentation based on his extensive tour around IT industries  such as Microsoft and a couple of  others. He also talked about his memories with the baseball star player Ichiro Suzuki while he was a college student in Seattle and  his encounters with Acting President Mr. Iwata and Mr. Mitarai–New Vice President/Executive Director during his visit at Portland, Oregon–which  is a Sister City of Sapporo.   A memorable phot taken at Japanese Consul General in Portland, OR. is also shown. 

        Close to 90 members gathered and the event tuned out to be something  similar to Jamboree. Members were thirst for communicating with each other over dinner.   

