ニュース – 北海道日米協会

11/19/’23(Sun)ボー・ミラー米国領事(U.S.Consul Beau Miller )講演 IYFとEvening Dinner


On Sunday, November 19, U.S. Consul Mr. Beau Miller was our guest speaker for a double header of events: the 7th International Youth Forum (IYF) Sapporo in the afternoon, and then the AJSH Members Dinner Reception in the evening.

「第7回国際ユースフォーラム」ではミラー領事のプリゼンテーション後に、領事のテーマに基づくグループ・ディスカッションに60名の高校生、北海道インターナショナルスクール、アメリカン・フィールド・サービス(AFS)、それに苫小牧高専の学生達が参加。 お国柄も多様で、アメリカ以外のスペイン、コスタリカ、フランス、イタリア、 スリランカ、タイ、ノルウエー、スイス、香港、トルコからの学生達が、日本の学生達、それにミラー領事らと意見交換を行い、有意義な時を過ごしました。テーマは、日本の世界における役割のみならず、、日米関係、気候変動問題、それに異文化理解と交流など多岐にわたるものでした。


At the IYF, 60 high school students, including from Hokkaido International School (HIS) and College of Tomakomai National Institute of Technology (Tomakomai Kosen) enjoyed a keynote speech by Mr. Miller about his educational and career background, and how cross-cultural communication experiences from growing up in Japan and attending schools on Yokota Air Base help in his current role as a diplomat assigned to the U.S. Consulate General in Sapporo.  International students not only from the United States, but also from Spain, CostaRica, France, Italy, SriLanka, Thailand, Norway,   Hong Kong, and Turkey enegetically took part in the exciting forum. 

Based on his speech, the students took part in group discussions. Mr. Miller also joined the one discussion group, sharing his views and opinions with young participants. The participants were very excited to meet and talk with him not only on cross-cultural issues and the importance of cross-cultural understanding, but also on U.S.-Japan relations in connection with global issues (“problems without passports”) such as climate change.

In the evening Mr. Miller was a guest speaker and reported on his impressions of IYF. He spoke highly of the young participants who dedicated their time on a Sunday to join the IYF, and eagerly engaged with one another to brainstorm ways to tackle important issues affecting Japan and the world. He also spoke about his U.S. State Department assignments in Vietnam, India, Korea – and now coming “full circle” back to Japan, including returning to Yokota Air Base to welcome the Vice President to Japan last year. His presentation was warmly received by the audience.





北海道とハワイ州が5番目の友好州であること、また、北海道主催のランチ・レセプションの報告もあった。At Evening  Dinner  held on September 14(Thu.) at Terrace Room in Sapporo Park Hote l, Mr. Takuya Ohtake, The AJSH member and President of Hokkaido Dojinkai and Mr. Taiji Nakanishi, The AJSH member, President of Dokyu Ltd. and a restaurant Tamafuji made a fine presentation on

SISTER SUMMIT~A Hawaii-Japan  Program held in Honolulu on July 27 and 28, Dojinkai activities, Hokkaido products’ Festival together with   Mr. Nakani’s restaurant in Honolulu. They also reported Hokkaido and Hawaii became the 5th Friendship State and Hokkaido Lunch Reception sponsored by Hokkaido group.

Many thanks should go to Mrs. Chinatsu Ohtake,The AJSH member  who helped their presentation manipulating power point materials via computer.







8/24/’23 ジョシュア・ウォーカーJoshua Walker Japan SocietyN.Y.)が来道「有志で歓迎会」


8月 24日(木)に、アメリカの国歌安全政策の専門家で、幼児期から18歳まで札幌で育ち、北海道インターナショナルスクール卒で、米国の国務長官などに政策助言を行った経緯を持つ、Japan Society New York の理事長 ジョシュア・ウィーカーが来道。そのため、急遽、北海道日米協会の役員と有志で、急遽「歓迎会」を企画した。札幌プリンスホテルの国際パミールにマーク・ウエベルス在札幌米国総領事館首席領事の音頭取りで、ランチョン講演が行われ40名の財界などからも参加下さいました。講演では、ジョシュアさんの日米交流の原点となった札幌での暮らしや、自分は「道産子」であることを誇りに思っていること、半導体メーカでIBMと協定を結んだラピダスが北海道にも拠点をおくことになるため、今後の北海道とアメリカとのビジネス・経済交流の重要さも強調された。

As Dr. Joshua Walker, President & CEO of Japan Society New York  suddenly visited Sapporo and Hokkaido in August. So   on August 24(Thu), some of the  Board members and  members on the Special Event Committee hurriedly set up ” welcome Back   to Sapporo for Joshua-san.” Joshua-san said “America is my homeland, but  Sapporo, Japan is my heartland.   I am “Dosanko“!

Mark Wuebbels, Principal Officer of  U.S. Consulate General, Sapporo proposed a toast for Joshua-san. He talked about Hokkaido his personal connection to Japan in terms of Kizuna. He also talked about the importance of U.S.-Japan relations–geopolitically, culturally, and spiritually. His working experience with Joan Kerry, Secretary of State, at the White House  helped his career.  Lastly he stressed the importance of  the growth of business in Hokkaido–joining hands with U.S. counterparts. Because Semi-conductor firm  Rapidus–tied in with IBM  will be moving into Hokkaido and will built factories in Chitose.


7/20/’23プロのハープ演奏者でDallas/Fort Wth米日協会の中村奈央子さんを迎えて


On July 20(Thu), We invited a professional harpist, Naoko Nakamura a current member and a former vice president of the Japanese American Society of Dallas/Fort Worth.

She is a board member of the Dallas Harp Society, and an adjunct assistant professor of harp at Southern Methodist University, performing and teaching in the Dallas Metroplex and throughout the U.S.

中村さんは15歳でお父さんがアメリカ勤務となったため、ご家族でアメリカにわたり、名門オバリン大学の音楽学部とヒューストンにあるライス大学院(ケネディ大統領が「アメリカは宇宙へ行く」とう名スピーチを行った宇宙工学のある大学)に進まれ、その後プロのハープ奏者として活躍されておられます。今回もヘンデルやカルロス・サルゼドなどの名曲 Concerto in B-Flat Major by Handel, Theme and Variations in ancient style by Carlos Salzedo, and Clair de Lune by Claude Debussyを演奏され、聴衆は皆、中村さんの演奏の魅了されていました。

Naoko-san went to the U.S. at the age of 15 with her family and graduated from the famous Oberlin Conservatory of Music and the Rice University–where the late President Kennedy made a memorable speech “We chose to go to the moon!”      Each one of the audience enjoyed her marvelous harp music performance. The audience was lured and tempted by the following repertories:

Concerto in B-Flat Major by Handel, Theme and Variations in ancient style by Carlos Salzedo, and Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy




5/18/’23総会・講演Costco河端健善代表General Assembly 



For the first time in three years, General Assembly and Evening Dinner without mask was held in a happy mood in Rm. Kinshi at Sapporo Grand Hotel.

After opening remarks by Acting President keigo Iwata, Vice President Masahiro Sasahara proposed Kanpai cheers.

スピーカーは本協会の会員でもあり、アメリカに本社をもつ「コストコ」(COSTCO)の札幌倉庫店代表の河端 健善氏に「COSTCOのビジネス戦略」について、パワーポイントを使用したプリゼンテーションを行った。参加したある会員は「大規模店舗のCOSTCOの世界ビジネスの戦略と日本国内、それに北海道の店舗のユニークさなどのついて興味深い秘話について知ることができ、勉強になった」との感想を頂いた次第である。

Mr. Takeyoshi Kawabata, a Warehouse Manager  of COSTCO Sapporo was a guest speaker. His presentation which focused on  COSTOCO’s global strategy, tother with strategies implemented in Japan  and  in  Hokkaido was very vivid and informative  as well.  One audience said, ” I learned a great deal out of Mr. Kawabata’s presentation. I was very much struck by COSTCO’s unique business and hidden stories of COSTCO.”


