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11/19/’23(Sun)ボー・ミラー米国領事(U.S.Consul Beau Miller )講演 IYFとEvening Dinner
On Sunday, November 19, U.S. Consul Mr. Beau Miller was our guest speaker for a double header of events: the 7th International Youth Forum (IYF) Sapporo in the afternoon, and then the AJSH Members Dinner Reception in the evening.
「第7回国際ユースフォーラム」ではミラー領事のプリゼンテーション後に、領事のテーマに基づくグループ・ディスカッションに60名の高校生、北海道インターナショナルスクール、アメリカン・フィールド・サービス(AFS)、それに苫小牧高専の学生達が参加。 お国柄も多様で、アメリカ以外のスペイン、コスタリカ、フランス、イタリア、 スリランカ、タイ、ノルウエー、スイス、香港、トルコからの学生達が、日本の学生達、それにミラー領事らと意見交換を行い、有意義な時を過ごしました。テーマは、日本の世界における役割のみならず、、日米関係、気候変動問題、それに異文化理解と交流など多岐にわたるものでした。
At the IYF, 60 high school students, including from Hokkaido International School (HIS) and College of Tomakomai National Institute of Technology (Tomakomai Kosen) enjoyed a keynote speech by Mr. Miller about his educational and career background, and how cross-cultural communication experiences from growing up in Japan and attending schools on Yokota Air Base help in his current role as a diplomat assigned to the U.S. Consulate General in Sapporo. International students not only from the United States, but also from Spain, CostaRica, France, Italy, SriLanka, Thailand, Norway, Hong Kong, and Turkey enegetically took part in the exciting forum.
Based on his speech, the students took part in group discussions. Mr. Miller also joined the one discussion group, sharing his views and opinions with young participants. The participants were very excited to meet and talk with him not only on cross-cultural issues and the importance of cross-cultural understanding, but also on U.S.-Japan relations in connection with global issues (“problems without passports”) such as climate change.
In the evening Mr. Miller was a guest speaker and reported on his impressions of IYF. He spoke highly of the young participants who dedicated their time on a Sunday to join the IYF, and eagerly engaged with one another to brainstorm ways to tackle important issues affecting Japan and the world. He also spoke about his U.S. State Department assignments in Vietnam, India, Korea – and now coming “full circle” back to Japan, including returning to Yokota Air Base to welcome the Vice President to Japan last year. His presentation was warmly received by the audience.