ニュース – 北海道日米協会

9/15(Thu.)’22 道産子高校生、米テキサス州ヒューストンの世界ロボット大会出場Hokkaido born high School students competed at Houston’s International Robot Contest after Hawaii!

9月15日(木)に札幌パークホテル「エメラルド」で開催された夕方例会では、今年4月に米国テキサス州のヒューストンで開かれた「国際ロボット競技会」に、日本を代表し、見事、初出場の快挙を成し遂げた札幌圏の道産子高校生グループ”Yukizaki Technology”の世界大会の(その前のハワイ地区予選における勝ち抜き大会も含む)映像を含めた帰国発表会を開催。


On September 15(Thu.), we invited two groups. One group was “Yukizaki Technology”—-made up of Hokkaido born “Dosan’ko” 3 senior high school students representing Japan (NOT Hokkaido). They took part in International Robot Contest held in Houston, Texas this spring after visiting Hawaii where they demonstrated a high performance. It made it possible for them to move onto Houston’s international event.

Another guest was Mr. Mark Wuebbels–newly appointed Principal Officer at U.S. Consulate General, Sapporo. He gave a few words, and he will make a presentation sometime next year.

We wish them the best of luck!


7/28/’22 オバマ大統領のブレーン、グレンS.フクシマ氏を迎えてGlen S. Fukushima , a right-hand person of Former President Obama spoke

7 月28日(木)に「おかえりなさいグレン・フクシマさん(元米国政府高官)」歓迎イブニング・ディナ―が札幌パークホテルの「テラス・ルーム」で開催された。今回の例会には、80名以上の会員と、その同伴者達の申し込みがあった。フクシマさんは、米国ハーバード法科大学院を卒業後、数多くのアメリカの政府の高官として、米国通商代表補代理、オバマ政権ではCAP研究所の上級研究員を歴任。さらに在日米国商工会議所の会頭として活躍された経歴の持ち主である。現在は、米国証券投資保護公社の副理事長であり、5月22日には、日米の次世代の若者達の教育文化交流用のための基金「フルブライト・グレン S. フクシマ基金」を設立された。「激動の国際情勢における日米の新時代」の講演の中で、フクシマさんは、戦後の日米関係から未来のビジネス・経済、科学、教育その他の分野における交流の重要さとグローバル・ネットワー作りの必要性も日本語で力説された。好評なうちに講演は終了した。その後のディナーは、ジェイコブ・ロッカ新米国総領事 の乾杯の発声でスタートした。

“Welcome Back to Sapporo! Glen Fukushima-san” Evening Dinner was held at Terrace Room in Sapporo Park Hotel on July 28(Thu.)  More than 80 members and their companions signed for this event.

After graduating from Harvard Law School, Mr. Fukushima who worked under the Obama Administration at CAP as a senior fellow(Former Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative at SUTR, President of the American Chamber of commerce, a Board member of several Japan-America Societies in the United States.

His presentation focused on Postwar U.S.-Japan Relations, The VULCA Era, A New Era in  U.S.-Japan Relations, and Challenges for the United States. He attached an importance of how to create better relations between Japan and the United State in such fields  as  business/economics ,science and education. He donated and created Fulbright~Glen S. Fukushima Found($130 million) on May 22, this year. Evening Dinner got underway with ”Kanpai(Cheers)” by newly appointed U.S. Consulate, Jacob Rocca.


5/26(Thu.)’22総会/講演 General Assembly&Speaker




ちなみに、エリックさんは2007年には、洞爺湖サミットでは、ジョージ・W.ブッシュ大統領に随行、 2018年にはオバマ大統領とキャロライン・ケネディ駐日米国大使に随行し広島の原爆記念式典で特ダネ記事を掲載し、同年、安倍元首相に随行し、ハワイのパール―ハーバー記念式典にも随行し取材活動を行った経験の持ち主である。5/26日のエリックさんの講演は、大変好評で多くの会員からも「生の現実的な分析に基づく講演で、大変勉強になった」、また「素晴らしい企画のプログラム」など多くのコメントを頂いた。

なお、伊藤会長の代理の小池副会長が挨拶をされ、新・副会長の一人の笹原 晶博(北海道銀行代表取締役会長)のご御挨拶と頂戴した。また、 アンドリュー・リー在札幌総領事が三年間住み慣れた札幌を離れ首都ワシントンに向かわれるため「お別れのフェアウエル・スピーチ」を賜った。

On May 26(Thu.) The AJSH’s General Assembly and Luncheon was held at the Sapporo Grand Hotel. The main guest speaker was Eric Johnston, Senior National Correspondent of The Japan Times, who moved to Sapporo with his wife in late February from the paper’s Osaka bureau. He now considers himself a full-fledged “Dosanko” and became an AJSH member in June.

Eric’s presentation focused on “The Future U.S.-Japan Relations under the Biden(who visited Japan on May 23~24)・Kishida Administrations, and the current situation in Ukraine.” His talk was warmly and well received. The audience enjoyed every minute of it. “A very realistic and lucid presentation. Brilliant! And “the May 26 program and talk were wonderful!”

Incidentally, Eric used to be a frequent visitor to Hokkaido and he and his wife love Hokkaido very much. He reported from the Lake Toya summit in 2008 when President George W. Bush came and also covered President Obama and Ambassador Caroline Kennedy when they made a historic trip to Hiroshima in 2016. Later that same year, Eric covered Prime Minister Shinzo Abe`s historic visit to Pearl Harbor.

Since arriving in Hokkaido, Eric has focused on any number of national and Hokkaido-related issues for both The Japan Times and in his regular column “Letter from Hokkaido” for The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan’s monthly magazine.

1/20/’22(Thu.)新年祝賀ニューイヤー・コンサート New Year Concert 2022


本年度の新春祝賀ニューイヤー・コンサートが1 月20日(木)札幌グランドホテルのGinsenで開催されました。

今回はN.Y.カーネギーホールで日本の伝統・モダンをおり交ぜた舞踊を披露される「舞流」(Mairu)と以前、同じくN.Y.カーネギーホールでブルーコメッツのメンバーの三原 綱木さんのピアノセクションを担当された佐々木浩平さんと歌手の中里さんコンビによる「懐かしのアメリカン・ポップス」を披露下さり、参加者達からも「青春時代に戻った感じで、大変懐かしかった」とのコメントを頂いた。なお、会員の三浦雄一郎とスポーツ部会(河関部会長)のスキーメンバーとミラー領事夫妻とお子さん達も写った写真も掲載します。

On January 20,the annual New Year Concert was held at Sapporo Grand Hotel. The special guests from Tokyo put on fabulous performances.   A performance group  “Mairu”—who is scheduled to  perform at Carnegie Hall in New York — demonstrated an enchanting unique Japanese dance–a mixture of traditional and modern dance. Mr. Kohei  Sasaki, a pianist who played the piano at Carnegie Hall N.Y. with Mr. Tsunaki Miura( a band member of the Blue Comets) and a singer Nakasato-san—played and sung “American Popular music(Oldies) . their performance and music entertainment was well received. A photo of  our member, Mr. Yuichiro Miura—with a group of the AJSH members and new Consul, the Millar family taken at Mt. Teine ski resort—is also included.


11/07(日)イブニング・ディナー講演 HISティム・スロッサ―校長Tim Schlosser




On November 7(Sun) ,2021 at Keio Plaza Hotel  Sapporo, HIS’s new Head Master Tim schlosser  made a wonderful presentation–which was well received by the audience (80 people attended).  He made a sale’s promotional pitch on HIS which offers a wide variety of educational programs based on three pillars(Art &Culture, Music, and outdoor activities).  If HIS does not exist, the professional baseball team, the Hokkaido Fighters was unable to clinch the Pennant in 2006 led by Manager, Tray Hillman. Because his negotiation bottom line was if Sapporo doesn’t have an international school where his two children can attend, he  wouldn’t accept the offer from the Fighters.

On HIS’s Niseko campus will open its junior high school starting next year–a happy addition for Hokkaido. HIS will continue to make strides for the internationalization of Hokkaido!






