On February 9(Thu.)at the Sapporo Grand Hotel, the America-Japan Society of Hokkaido(AJSH) was proud to welcome U.S. Ambassador Rahm Emanuel as a special guest speaker for New Year luncheon meeting.
It may have been a cold, snowy Hokkaido February day outside, but inside, an audience of more than 100 gave him a warm and hearty reception.
聴衆一同が関心を持ったのは内容の濃いエマニュエル大使の講演であった。特にに 大使は、世界はコロナ危機が勃発した3年間の内にロシアがウクライナに侵攻したり、気象変動も経験し、世界の地政学と国際関係が大きく変わったこと。しかし、他方、インド太平洋時代の日米関係はこれまで以上に政治、経済、文化交流の面において新たな協力関係と同盟関係が強化されつつある事を力説。例えば、かつては(1980年代)世界のトップを走った日本の半導体産業が凋落の道を歩んだが、今年から日米がスクラムを組み、世界をリードする新たな半導体事業を転回する事を表明された。
The audience was impressed with Ambassador’s speech on U.S.-Japan relations. The Ambassador touched on fostering new types of diplomacy and national security in the Indo-Pacific region and expanding economic and business ties in a world that has greatly changed over the past three years, since the covid pandemic took hold. By working closely with U.S. semiconductor industries starting 2023, Japan can recapture its statues of a leading edge semiconductor manufacturing country.
大使は、今後、友好親善と民主主義に基ずいた強固な日米関係を構築してゆくのは、日米の高校生、大学生を含む次世代の若者であり、彼らがそのカギを握っている事も強調された。特に、その可能性と潜在力を兼ね備えているのは北海道である事も明言された。 参加者たちはエマヌエル大使の素晴らしく示唆に富み、かつダイナミックな講演に魅了された。
Ambassador Emanuel also emphasized the importance of educational and cultural exchange programs between Japan and the United States among younger generations, particularly at the high school and collegiate levels. He noted they hold the key to realizing better, more mutually beneficial future relations in many fields. Hokkaido, he added, has great potential to play an important role in that future.
大使は伊藤 義郎会長に「『北海道スタイルのおもてなし』で歓迎頂き、大変想い出深い楽しい一時を過ごすことができ感謝します」と新年祝賀会の感想を述べられた。
Participants were enchanted by his brilliant, informative, and dynamic speech, often laced with humor. It was followed by a famous group of Tsugaru Shamisen(a three string Japanese banjo) performers who won the first prize in Tsugaru Shamisen contest. The group performed traditional Japanese folk songs as well as the famous American gospel song “Amazing Grace,” along with a Shakuhachi ( Japanese bamboo flute) player and drummer.
Ambassador Emanuel told Mr. Yoshiro Ito, President of AJSH, that he appreciated “Hokkaido hospitality,” and enjoyed every minute of the New Year event. We wish him the best of luck!