
On July 20(Thu), We invited a professional harpist, Naoko Nakamura a current member and a former vice president of the Japanese American Society of Dallas/Fort Worth.

She is a board member of the Dallas Harp Society, and an adjunct assistant professor of harp at Southern Methodist University, performing and teaching in the Dallas Metroplex and throughout the U.S.

中村さんは15歳でお父さんがアメリカ勤務となったため、ご家族でアメリカにわたり、名門オバリン大学の音楽学部とヒューストンにあるライス大学院(ケネディ大統領が「アメリカは宇宙へ行く」とう名スピーチを行った宇宙工学のある大学)に進まれ、その後プロのハープ奏者として活躍されておられます。今回もヘンデルやカルロス・サルゼドなどの名曲 Concerto in B-Flat Major by Handel, Theme and Variations in ancient style by Carlos Salzedo, and Clair de Lune by Claude Debussyを演奏され、聴衆は皆、中村さんの演奏の魅了されていました。

Naoko-san went to the U.S. at the age of 15 with her family and graduated from the famous Oberlin Conservatory of Music and the Rice University–where the late President Kennedy made a memorable speech “We chose to go to the moon!”      Each one of the audience enjoyed her marvelous harp music performance. The audience was lured and tempted by the following repertories:

Concerto in B-Flat Major by Handel, Theme and Variations in ancient style by Carlos Salzedo, and Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy