9月15日(木)に札幌パークホテル「エメラルド」で開催された夕方例会では、今年4月に米国テキサス州のヒューストンで開かれた「国際ロボット競技会」に、日本を代表し、見事、初出場の快挙を成し遂げた札幌圏の道産子高校生グループ”Yukizaki Technology”の世界大会の(その前のハワイ地区予選における勝ち抜き大会も含む)映像を含めた帰国発表会を開催。


On September 15(Thu.), we invited two groups. One group was “Yukizaki Technology”—-made up of Hokkaido born “Dosan’ko” 3 senior high school students representing Japan (NOT Hokkaido). They took part in International Robot Contest held in Houston, Texas this spring after visiting Hawaii where they demonstrated a high performance. It made it possible for them to move onto Houston’s international event.

Another guest was Mr. Mark Wuebbels–newly appointed Principal Officer at U.S. Consulate General, Sapporo. He gave a few words, and he will make a presentation sometime next year.

We wish them the best of luck!