News in Japanese & in English

5月23日(木)の総会では、先ず杉野 豊先生が率いる 北海道インターナショナルスクールのビッグ・バンドスタイルの学生バンドによる演奏会で幕開けとなった。オープニングは、1952年のジーン・ケリー主演映画主題歌の「雨に唄えば」とサウンド・オブ・サイレンスの映画の中でも披露さえた「マイ・フェイボリット・シング」、それにアンコール曲に観客たちは魅了された。総会前に理事会が開催された。今回の議長は、急な所用ができた伊藤会長に代わり、加森副会長が務め、総会も無事終了した。


On May 23, 2019(Thu.)  the 2019 General Assembly was held on the 3rd floor Ginsen at Sapporo Grand Hotel.

Before the General Assembly HIS’s big band style Jazz band led by Mr. Yuaka Sugita put on a very good show.  They played such famous movie music–“Sing in the Rain” sung by Gene Kelley in 1952, “My Favorite Thing out of the movie Sound of Music  and an encore number.  The audience was very much enchanted by their marvelous performance.   As Mr. Yoshiro Ito, President of the AJSH was out of town, the General Assembly was opened with Vice President, Mr.Kimito Kamori in the chair.

Rachel Brunette-Chen–who will be leaving for Wssington,D.C. with her family–gave us a heat-warming farewell speech. It was our grea pleasue to have her here in Sapporo. It is nice to recall her conributions with her family joinng us for skiing and other events. We were very much struck with her delicaed efforts to make International Youth Forum(IYF) more meaningful and enjoyable, and prductive for the next generation of Japanese young turks. They do appreciae her participation in the IYF and encouraging messages to them. We miss her and her family very much! We wish them the bestof luck in a new place in the nations’s capital!