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 September 19(Thu.Evening) was a very memorable day for the AJSH–A Happy 65th Anniversary Celebration DAY!  Govenor Suzuki, Mayor Akimoto –who gave kind congratulatory remakrs–together with  other disguished guests and the AJSH’s members(115 attndees) attended the ceremony.        



第二部のイブニング・レセプションは、新たに就任されたアンドリュー・リー総領事の乾杯でスタートし、日米友好親善・文化交流プログラムに協力しているThe Saapporo TOMODACHI Jazz Trio(小笠原はるの・矢木章・御手洗昭治会員)が「秋のジャズ演奏会の夕べ」で数曲のリクエスト曲を披露。最後に参加者で1960年代初期に世界的ヒットとなった坂本 九さんの「スキヤキ」(上を向いて歩こう)を合唱し会場が盛り上がった。

One big surprise was 100 bottles of Oregon’s famous local Rogue Beer had arrived as  presents all the way from Japan-America Society of Oregon! Mr. Phred Kaufman, our member, also donated us extra 20 bottles of Oregon made beer. We apprecite their generosity and Graham Morris,Executive Directo of JASO!  

The audience was moved by Mr. Joseph Young’s heart-felt video messages. Mr. Young, CDA made the video message on behalf of American Ambassdor.

Congratulatory kind messages were arrived not only from Mr. Ichiro Fujisaki, President of NAAJS, and Dean lterman,Chair of JASO, but also from Kiyoko Morita Caine, Chair of Massacusetts-Hokkaido Association.   

   Riggt after the ceremonial event, Evening Reception got underway with a few kind  words and “Kanpai” proposal by Mr.Andrew Lee, newly appointed U.S. Consul General.   The Dinner part  was highlighed by “Jazz Music Concert in Fall.”   The Sapporo TOMODACHI Jazz Trio (Piano:Haruno Ogasawara, Base: Akira Ygi,& Drums: Shoji Mitari)— involved in U.S.-Japan goodwill cultural activities— played Jazz music requested by AJSH’s members.  

   At the end, the audience sang together  Kyu Sakamoto’s world famous “Sukiyaki” song in Jazz sytle.(His record turned out to be  No.1 hit song in Bill Board music magazine in 1961 in the U.S., and 130 million of  Sukiyaki record has been sold in the entiire world since then.