ニュース – 北海道日米協会


2025年の新年祝賀会では、元日本ハムファイターズの選手で現在北海道日本ハムファイターズのカスタマー・リレーション部・部長で、ダルビッシュ投手、大谷選手とも長きにわたって親交のある荒井昭吾 氏をお招きし、東京で誕生し今では北海道民の球団チームになったファイターズの過去・現在・未来について語って頂いた。ユーモアあふれたナレーションで85名の参加者たちを楽しませて下さった。Our invited guest for 2025 New Year luncheon meeting was Mr. Shogo Arai, Customer relation section Manager of the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters—a key figure namely called a full-fledged Mr. Fighters.  As he knows all about the Hokkaido Fighters and has associated with such players as Yu Darvish and Shohei Ohtani, 85 participants were lured and enchanted by his talk with a sense of humor.

荒井部長は、選手時代に メジャーリーグ球団のフィルデルフィア・フィリーズのフロリダキャンプに参加しマジャー流のコーチング含めマネジメントを学ばれたこともあり、それらのコンセプトをファンサービスや「夢を求めチャレンジする」現球団の運営や経営にも生かしておられる管理職でもある。また、メジャーリーグの球場をベースに建設された道民のためのエスコン球場のVIP室や選手用のホテル並みのロッカー、その他施設の画像なども紹介して下さった。ファンつくりのために全道をこまなく回った荒井部長。その結果、トレイ・ヒルマン監督らろ勝ち取った2007年の「ファイターズ日本一!」に輝いた。ところで、ヒルマン監督の日ハムの監督就任の条件の一つが、札幌にお二人のお子さんが通えるインターナシュナル・スクールがあるかどうか?であった。幸運にも札幌には北海道インタナショナル(HIS)があり、HISのヒルマン家の家族ぐるみの付き合いが始まった。今後の北海道日本ハムファーターズのさらなる進撃に期待したい。

As he was a player on the Fighters back in Tokyo first. And his feverish desire for taking  part in a Major league  baseball camp prompted him to join the Philadelphia Phillies! spring camp in Florida. That’s where he learned a lot all about Major League style of baseball, coating and management.   Mr. Arai used all the resources he gained in Florida baseball camp for the creation of new style of baseball team for the Hokkaido Fighters, including fan services. To increase fans capturing their hearts for the Fighters, he travelled countless number of places in Hokkaido with the slogan “Challenges with Dreams.”   His tireless efforts paid off in 2007 when the Hokkaido Fighters  captured the No.1 Championship flag in Japan series under the leadership of Manager, Trey Hillman! The Best  of Luck to the Hokkaido Fighters in the future! Incidentally,  as he has two children, one of his major concerns was whether or not Sapporo has an  International School where his two children could commute.  The answer was “YES! ” So he accepted  the offer as Manager of the Hokkaido Fighters. As a result,  a new relationship  between his family and Hokkaido International School(HIS) was  established.   Wishing the Hokkaido Fighters the best of luck for the future!

村尾新一 読売新聞北海道支社長のから乾杯の御発声

Mr.Shinnich Murao, Hokkaido Branch Manager of  The Yomiuri Newspaper  said a few words and proposed a toas.t

11/21(Thu.)アーリークリスマス・ディナー講演会Early Christmas Dinner inviting Guest Speakers

11月 21日(木・夕)には、「アーリー・クリスマス・ディナー講演会」が、京王プラザホテル札幌の「扇の間」(3F)で開催された。   November’s Early Christmas Dinner and a Lecture Forum was held in Rm. “Ohgi“ at the Keio Plaza Sapporo on the evening of November 21(Thu.).

当協会の会員でジャパン・タイムズ上級特派員のエリック・ジョンストン氏と共同通信の元ワシントン特派員で現在札幌支社長の木下英臣氏が、今回の米大統領選挙の勝因を分けた要因、新大統領の抱負、日米関係に影響を与える米国の政策、外交、トランプ大統領と石破首相との関係について、スクリーンを通して語って頂いた。新情報が満喫の刺激ある講演であり秘話も聴け好評であった。最後に大竹千夏理事から12月16日から 12月2日まで「ル・トロワ7階(大通西1丁目」で開かれるクリスマス・ハワイアン・フェアについてお声がけがあった。

Speakers included Mr. Eric Johnston, Senior National Correspondent of The Japan Times and Hidemi  Kinoshita, a former Washington D.C. Bureau Chief  of KYODO and currently  President of  KYODO Sapporo gave us very lucid, informative  and brilliant  presentations.

Their presentations covered the results of the 2024 Presidential election–why Vice President Harris lost and why Mr. Trump defeated Ms. Harris. They also touched on the possible future of U.S.-Japan relations under Trump, especially in terms of diplomacy, and how Trump and Prime Minister Ishiba may establish a personal relationship.

Lastly, Ms. Chinatsu Ohtake–our Board member– made a pitch for Christmas Hawaiian Fair to be held at Ru Torowa(7th FL in Ohdori West 1)” Dec.16 through Dec.22.

9/19/’24(Thu.)設立70周年記念例会The AJSH’s 70th Anniversary Event





On September 19(Thu. Eve) 109 participants gathered and celebrated the AJSHokkaido’s 70th anniversary at Sapporo Park Hotel. After President Keigo Iwata’s opening address, Governor Naomichi Suzuki and Mayor Katsuhiro Akimoto offered congratulatory remarks.  U.S. Consul General Mark Wuebbels also read a heartfelt congratulatory message of U.S. Ambassador Earl Emanuel and livered his own remarks before proposing “Kanpai” toast. Furthermore, Congratulatory messages(summarized in Japanese) from Dosanko American Joshua Walker(CEO&President of Japan Society New York) and Graham Morris(General Secretary of America Japan Society of Oregon) were introduced.



One of the highlights was a video message speech sent by Ichiro Fujisaki, President of NAAJS, Former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S. First, he reflected upon the late Yoshiro Ito(former the AJSH’s President) who played a pivotal role in furthering strong ties between Japan and the United States. Second, he talked about the importance of not only U.S.-Japan relations but also of enduring bonds of friendship and cooperations between the people of Hokkaido and the United States nurtured through grassroots efforts of organizations like our society


Self Defense Force of Northern Division Brass band also entertained and enchanted the audience playing Japanese and American hit songs, which include Jazz and March. A big surprise at the event was an English speech “Hey!Do You Want My Autograph?” given by Koichi Ito(15yrs.), a grandson of the late President Yohiro Ito. Kouichi got the first prize at the H.I.H. Prince Takamado Trophy English Oratorical Contest of Hokkaido Division on September 16.



八月一日(木)のイブニング・ディナーには、デロイトトーマツ合同会社/ストラテジー・リスク・トランザクションリーダーの鹿山 真吾氏をゲストスピーカーにお招きし「日本の失われた20年を取り戻す施策『北海道が熱い!Rapidus社を起点とする日の丸半導体の再興』と題して、パワーポイントを通して語って下さった(続く) 。On August 1(Thu.) we invited Mr. Shingo Kayama of Strategic, Risk & Transformation Leader, Deloitte Tohmatsu LLC as our guest speaker.He spoke about how to advance Japan’s semiconductor manufacturing industry from Hokkaido, where Rapidus will soon begin operations in Chitose with new facilities.(To be continued. Down the end.)


Kayama confidently predicted Rapidus will represent a new approach to leading edge and semiconductor manufacturing, and will power Japan’s digital future. His stimulating talk was well-received by the large audience, and we all learned a great deal about the ambitious vision and strategy of the Hokkaido Valley project.

ちなみに、鹿山さんは、2009年にデロイトトーマツ・ファイナンシャルアドバイザリー合同会社(旧デロイトトーマツFAS株式会社)に入社。2014年から2017年までDeloitte Corporate Finance LLCのニューヨーク事務所に出向し、日米M&A案件総括責任者としてTMTセクターを中心としたクロスボーダーM&A案件アドバイザリー業務に従事。米国コロンビアビジネススクール卒。2024年6月よりデロイトグローバルにおけるストアフロント改編に伴い日本におけるストラテジー・リスク・トランザクションリーダーに就任。併せて日本におけるTMTインダストリーリーダー及びアジアパシフィックにおけるTechnologyセクターリーダーを兼務。

Mr. Kayama joined Deloitte Japan in 2009. He was seconded to Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC in New York between 2014 – 2017 as head of the Japan-US M&A corridor practice. He is a graduate of Columbia Business School. Mr. Kayama has been taking the lead in Deloitte M&A advisory business since 2017 and was appointed as the Strategic, Risk & Transactions leader earlier this year.  He served as a board member of the Deloitte Tohmatsu Group between 2019 and 2024.



5/30/’24総会&ロバート・ホワイティング講演GA& Robert Whiting As a Guest Speaker





5月30日の総会では、故伊藤会長の後を引き継いだ岩田圭剛新会長の就任挨拶があり、その後、故伊藤義郎元会長の長女の伊藤美香子氏(伊藤組社長・国際 ビル社長・伊藤組山林管理育成株式会社社長)が、父親である伊藤義郎元会長の日米の友好親善交流と日米協会に対する執心と想い出について語って下さった。 At the General Assembly, Mr. Keigo Iwata,  new President of the AJSHokkaido, a successor of the former President of  Yoshiro Ito made an inaugural address. Later, the eldest daughter of the late Yoshiro Ito, Ms. Mikako Ito—who is President of: ①iItogumi Co. Ltd.; ②Sapporo Kokusai Bld. Co. Ltd, and Itogumi Forest Management; and ③ Nurtuing Co.Ltd.— made a few remarks about her father’s lifetime promotion of a lasting US.-Japan partnership and his fond memories regarding  the AJSHokkaido.

その後、日米の野球文化論の世界的に第一人者として知られるロバート・ホワイティング氏が、5月30日の総会後のイブニング・ディナーでパワーポイントを使用しての 講演を行った。この日は、講演に先だち、ホワイティング夫妻は千歳空港到着後、日本ハム球団のエスコン・フィールドに立ち寄り、VIPツアーを楽しみ満喫された。この特別ツァーは、本協会の会員で、ファイターズ・ファンでもあるジェリー・ハルボーセンさんの協力を得て実現した。


On Thursday, May 30, The America-Japan Society of Hokkaido’s General Assembly meeting featured as guest speaker the internationally renowned veteran American journalist and author Robert Whiting. One of the world’s leading experts on the history of U.S.-Japan baseball for more than four decades, Mr. Whiting has written numerous books, in Japanese and English, and countless articles on the subject. He happens to be a good friend of former Fighter’s manager Trey Hilman.

Thanks to the efforts of AJSH member and die-hard Nippon Fighters fan Jerry Halverson, Robert and his wife Machiko, a former United Nations diplomat, were given a VIP tour at Esco Field—which they enjoyed enormously. That was followed by his AJSH presentation to a packed house at the Grand Hotel.


While Robert has written such best-selling books as “The Chrysanthemum and Bat,” “The Meaning of Ichiro,” and, in Japanese, “Why Shohei Ohtani excites MLB and fans?,” his presentation was focused on: 1) a brief history of U.S.-Japan baseball games and exchanges from 1872 up to the present; and 2) two-way player Shohei Ohtani’s outstanding and record breaking performances and awards in recent years.

In Mr. Whiting’s view, Ohtani surpasses or goes beyond such great players as Hideo Nomo, Hideki Matsui, and Ichiro Suzuki. These players elevated the status of the Japanese game. But in the U.S., many felt there was always a qualifier, that they all lacked something.

“That all changed, however, when Ohtani, a player who could hit the ball 500 feet and throw it 100 PMH, came along. Ohtani is kind of like an American version of a Japanese player. His likable and sunny personality attracts people—open and friendly. Some analysts were calling Ohtani the greatest player in MLB history of the game in the United States,” Mr. Whiting said.

In Mr. Whiting’s opinion, Shohei is already a superstar in both countries and a cornerstone of Japan-America friendship. He is the best goodwill ambassador of all time. It is our hope that Ohtani and the Los Angeles Dodgers will, as reported by some U.S. media, agree to play an exhibition game or two at Esco Field next year before the Major League Baseball opener in Tokyo. But regardless, we wish him well!





