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3/22/2018(木・Thu.) 例会・午餐会&ゲスト講演Luncheon Meeting with guest speaker
3月22日(木)京王プラザホテル札幌(扇の間)にて西山製麺(株)社長の西山隆司氏をお迎えしランチョン講演会を開催。西山社長は奥様、ご子息、お嬢様を伴って参加下さった。講演タイトルは「サッポロ西山ラーメン誕生の秘話と海外展開~札幌Ramen文化を世界に!~で、西山製麺の歴史(1955年に札幌で生ラーメンを開発)して以来、日本以外の欧州事業拡大のためドイツ・デユツセルフドルフにSapporo Nishiyama Europe GmbHを設立。2014年には、アメリカのデラウエア州とニューヨークにSapporo Nishiyama U.S.A.,Inc.に現地法人を設立。また、サウジアラビア、ドバイ、トルコ、クエートなどにも地上調査をを展開するなど、札幌発のグローバル食品を企業を目指すようだ。加えて、西山会長は在札幌米国総領事館のロナルド・ガイダック(1960-63)領事も札幌味噌の愛好家で「味の三平」の常連であった秘話も紹介。ライチェル・ブルーネット・チェン主席領事にとってもビッグ・サプライズとなった。
On March 22(Thu.),we invited Mr. Takashi Nishiyama(a AJSH member) as a guest speaker for the talk entitled “Nishiyama Seimen(Ltd.) ‘s family history dating back to 1955, together with the best kept secret of Nihiyama style Ramen. Mr Nishiyama’s family–his wife, his son, and his daughter–also atteded the luncheon meeting. His talk also centered around how he had developed and inovated his business strategies, and Sapporo Ramen Culture beyond Sapporo in the global business sphere— Sapporo Nishiyama Europe GmbH in Germany, Sapporo Nishiyama U.S.A.,Inc. in Delaware in 2014. ,and Nishiyama Ramen U.S.A. in New York . Mr. Nishiyama also coducted marketing research visiting some parts of the world, including Saudi Arabia, Dobai, Turkey. Another best-kept secret story for us, especially Principal Officer of the U.S. Consulate General Rachel-san, was when he touched upon this story— the former Consul, Ronald A.Gaiduk was madly in love with Sapporo Miso Ramen and became a frequent visiter to Ajino Sanpei Ramen Store.