2024年1 月18日(木)に札幌グランドホテルにおいて有名なソプラノ歌手の川島沙耶(さや)さんとピアニストの山田しのぶさんお招きしてのニューイヤーズ演奏会を開催。例会の冒頭に昨年12月 6日に旅立たれた伊藤義郎会長に対して哀悼の意を捧げつ共に、御冥福をお祈りし申し上げました。また、伊藤会長の数えきれない宮様スキーなどスポーツ、文化、放送分野における社会活動、さらに日米友好親善を促進すすため本協会の事業、活動にも御尽力頂いた事を想起ちながら、参加者一同で黙祷を捧げました。

On January 18(Thu.)the AJSH’s New Year Concert was held at Sapporo Grand Hotel inviting a famous soprano singer Saya Kawashima and a pianist Shinobu Yamada. But at the outset, we made a prayer for Mr. Yoshiro Ito who passed away on December 6 last year—paying a special tribute to him and a number of contributions made by him in the spheres of business, sports, culture, broadcasting enterprise and diplomacy(especially promotions of  friendly relationships and good will between Japan and the United States).   May he take a rest in peace!

午餐会は、本協会の布施正樹・運営理事の乾杯の発声で始まり、また、二代目佐藤貢会長が創設された雪印メグミルク株式会社の太田喜朗・北海道本部長からも、雪印社長で本協会の佐藤 貢・会長の想い出を含む祝辞を賜りました。さらに、スポーツ部会の藤山和夫北海道物産の社長と吉田一彦会員から今年のスキー部会の活動と今後スケジューツの報告がありました。

The New Year luncheon  got underway  with  “Kanpai”(Toast) by Mr. Masaki Fuse, a Board member.  Mr. Yoshirou Ohta of MEGUMILK Snow Brand Co. Ltd offered  New Year Greetings, including memories of the second AJSH’s President of MitugiSato(President of the Snow Brand company) and Best Wishes for 2024.  Mr. Kazuo Fujiyama and Mr. Kazuo Yoshida of  the AJSH’s Athletic-Sport committee members made an announcement of  ski events to be held at Teine Olympia ski resort.


The highlight of the event was a fantastically demonstrated concert—-welcoming Saya Kawashima as a singer and Shinobu Yamada as a pianist.  Such hit songs as “May Fair Lady” from Musical,  “Carmen” from Opera, a couple of Chanson music “If you love me(Hymel L’mour), “Champs Elysees” and an encore “Mauvais  Garcon”  were received

with hearty rounds of applause by the entire audience.